Hungarian Rectors’ Conference held its closing Plenary Session
The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference held its closing Plenary Session on 26 June 2014, in which the outgoing President Dr. Barna Mezey gave a speech summarizing and evaluating his two-year-long presidency. Dr. Zoltán Dubéczi, Secretray General of the HRC informed the plenum on the success of the Brazilian scholarship program Science without Borders. Dr. Mózes Székely, President of the Higher Education Planning Board presented the results of the SROP 7.2.1’s research, “Myths and Reality – higher education and science in the light of the facts’.
Also, the Board of the HRC established a new prize, HRC International Award, which is dedicated for professionals who have played a major role in the development of the international relations of the Hungarian higher education. For the first time, the prize has been awarded to Dr. Ali Abdullah Bin Sager, cultural attaché of Saudi-Arabia.
At the gala dinner, Mr. Zoltán Balog, Minister of Human Resources and Dr. Lászlo Palkovics appointed State Secretary gave a speech, Dr. Zoltán Maruzsa Deputy State Secretary for Higher Education and Mrs Judit Győri, Chief of Cabinet have also participated.