II. Hungarian-Vietnamese Rectors Conference took place at the National University of Public Service on 11 September 2018 with the participation of 130 higher educational leader and high level governmental delegates of the two countries
Speaking about Vietnamese-Hungarian educational relations in his opening speech Mihály Varga, deputy prime minister of Hungary mentioned that approx. 3000 Vietnamese student graduated in Hungary in the last decades, which shows that the Hungarian higher educational sector provides worldwide competitive higher educational programs. Mihály Varga also referred to the renewal of the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship program through which more Vietnamese students can join the Hungarian higher education than earlier. The new quota (200) has been included into the Hungarian-Vietnamese Educational Cooperation Program 2019-2021 that has been signed by Phung Xuan Nha, Minister of Education and Training and Dr. József Bódis, State Secretary for Education in the framework of a bilateral meeting during the conference.
The conference was honored by the presence of Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of the Vietnamese Communist Party, who emphasized that Vietnam gives high priority to education and training, and that particular attention is devoted to the international cooperation. While in 2014 at the first Vietnamese-Hungarian Rectors Conference in Hanoi, two Memorandum of Understandings were signed, rectors of the 33 Vietnamese and 27 Hungarian universities approved altogether 13 Memorandum of Understandings during the II. Hungarian-Vietnamese Rectors Conference. This process also reflects that the coopeation between Vietnamese and Hungarian universities has become more intensive lately. After the overview of the main higher educational goals of the two countries, rectors introduced the internationalization activities of their institutions through the afternoon sessions.