450 Brazilian students are expected to arrive to the Hungarian higher education institutions in the academic year 2013/2014

Outstanding success achieved by Hungary in the scholarship program Science Without Borders funded by the Brazilian Government. Hungarian higher education institutions have joined the Brazilian governments’ outstanding program in the organization of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference as the first country from the Central-European region, and now appear among the leading countries of the world.


According to the call to Hungary announced in Brazil in November, 2012, there are 450 students expected to arrive to the Hungarian institutions in the beginning of the academic year.


Last year, in the framework of the Science Without Borders program, 600 students choose to study in the United Kingdom, which comparative data proves that the fame and appeal of the Hungarian higher education is still significant. Due to the program, in the academic year 2013/2014, Brazilian students will form the seventh largest foreign student group in Hungary. All the costs of students participating in the scholarship program, including training fees, are funded by the Brazilian Government. Students will continue their studies in the academic fields of the natural-, technical-, health-, and information sciences in the next year.


Background Information on the Science Without Borders Scholarship Program

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