Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria

General information (about the history of the grant etc.) can be found on the homepage of OEAD, here.


The scholarships of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria are only available to students and researchers who are descendants of forced laborers (in which case a letter of proof is necessary) or come from countries that have exceptionally suffered from the Nazi regime, especially from the recruitment of forced laborers – Hungary is considered as such a country, therefore Hungarians do not have to hand in a written proof that they are descendants of forced laborers.


The scholarship has three different sub-programs that are aimed at different target groups, which are as follows:



Detailed information on each program and particular prerequisites are available via the links above. Once a call has opened, the students can apply online at for the scholarships. The next application deadline will be on 1st September 2015 (for the second and the third Scholarship).

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